Logic Flow

Project structure with Activity, fragment and classes

Project control flow

Flow of control in diffrent components

Here, what we can see is: As app opens we transit automatically from StartActivity to MainActivity. MainActivity has 4 fragments. Each fragments leads to diffrent screens. Entertainment fragment redirects us to webview that offers us recipes of different food items. AboutUs fragment describes the Restuarant. Login (i.e. login) fragment can take us to CashierActivity, AdminActivity, WaiterAcivity and ChefActivity. HomeFragment*(i.e home) displays all the food items with the help of *foodmenu adapter. Upon click on food item we are transit to FoodOrderActivity. This activity uses model class CustomerFeedback with ability to submit feedbacks as hidden. Similarly, HomeFragment has a fab element, upon click on that fab - we are taken to another fragment called CustomerOrderedListFragement. It displays the ordered list with the help of adapter OrderedListAdapterCust. It also allows us to cancel the food order until food status is “WAITING”. Upon click we are transit to model class CustomerFeedbackActivity with abitlity to submit feedbacks.

We’ll further discuss on logic of different staffs.

1. CashierActivity

Cashier control flow

Flow of control for cashier component in Project

Here, what we can see is:

2. AdminActivity

Admin is redirect to WebView which views the web version of admin panel. It is the Manager component of Restuarant.

3. WaiterActivity

Waiter control flow

Flow of control for waiter component in Project

Here, what we can see is:

4. ChefActivity

Chef control flow

Flow of control for Chef component in Project

Here, what we can see is: